Hewlett-Packard HPGL and HPGL2 files TGraphic class
TsgHPGLImage = class(TsgCADImage)
Main class TsgHPGLImage is a descendant of TsgCADImage (which is a descendant of TGraphic) and overrides it methods. TsgHPGLImage can be used in TImage control for displaying and navigation HPGL/HPGL2 drawings with PLT, HG, HGL and other extensions.
After loading a HPGL/HPGL2 file, its separate HPGL /DXF entities are accessible through the Converter property and its indexed property Entities. All entities are descendants of TsgDXFEntity. For example, the TEXT entity has TsgDXFText type, etc. In other words, the entities are common for both DXF and HPGL.
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