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The following libraries which were made by exterior developers are used in this program:
•Library by Anders Melander for animated GIF files support, anders@melander.dk
•GraphicEx by Dipl. Ing. Mike Lischke, www.delphi-gems.com
•TurboPower Abbrevia library, http://sourceforge.net/projects/tpabbrevia/
•PASZLIB 1.0 by Jacques Nomssi Nzali, http://www.nomssi.de/paszlib/paszlib.html
•JEDI Visual Component Library, http://jvcl.sourceforge.net
•The Indy Project Indy.Sockets (VCL), http://www.indyproject.org/
•Batch form uses some ideas of IrfanView, www.irfanview.com
•GLScene, www.glscene.org
•Ghostscript library to import PDF and EPS files. http://www.ghostscript.com/
•FreeImage, http://freeimage.sourceforge.net/
•Virtual Treeview component http://www.soft-gems.net/index.php/controls/virtual-treeview
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