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How to get Effective Name of Block in CADImportVCL

Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 13:08
by Okov_IndSoftSystem
For example,

1. CADImportVCL
The value TsgDXFInsert(TsgDXFConverter.Sections[csEntities].Entities).Block.Name = "*U4"

2. AutoCAD
its EffectiveName (Block Name we can see in AutoCAD any versions) = "Stamp".

How to get EffectiveName of Block in CADImportVCL?

I prompted below the description concerned to EffectiveName property from AutoCAD documentation

EffectiveName Property
Specifies the original block name.

The effective name is the name of the block as the user would see it in the user interface. Dynamic blocks may draw themselves with an anonymous block whose name is different than the block name the user sees for the block in the user interface. The Name property returns the name of the block used to draw the reference, while the EffectiveName is the name the user sees for the reference.

Re: How to get Effective Name of Block in CADImportVCL

Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 10:42
by support

Can you please send us your file to We need to test it.
