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Draw Polyline and Zoom

Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 00:33
by creepin

While drawing a Polyline it is necessary to me to zoom in and out. The first thing i did is to comment out the "Me.entCreator.Disable()" in the zoom function in Editor Demo. So i can go on drawing the line, despite zooming. However the "up-to-there" lines disappear until i finished the drawing action. Is there any way to keep them visible for the entire drawing process? A User, who does not know that they just disappear for that time, may be confused.

Thanks in advance,

Re: Draw Polyline and Zoom

Posted: 22 Mar 2011, 18:53
by support
Zooming in or out calls CADImage redraw. However object that you create doesn't added to Converter yet, so it will visually disappear. You can comment invalidating picturebox but in such case scale won't be changed and you must continue creating object by drawing coordinates displayed on the form bottom.
